Justine and Yves Sergent conference
The international scientific community remembers Justine and Yves Sergent as a devoted and steadfast couple, and Justine Sergent as an unparalleled theoretician and methodologist. Her work on the cognitive organization of the brain commands respect and admiration to this very day.
To attend the conference virtually http://bit.ly/40la4rc
Katrin Amunts, PhD
Director of the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Structural & Functional Organization of the Brain, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Professor for Brain Research. Director of the Cecile and Oskar Vogt Institute University Hospital Düsseldorf, Germany
Stéphane Bastianetto, stephane.bastianetto.ccsmtl@ssss.gouv.qc.ca
Edith Breton, PhD
Norwegian Centre for Mental Disorders Research University of Oslo
Event link