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Alexander Moreno receives a grant from the Office des personnes handicapées du Québec

Dr. Alexander Moreno, Director of the Innovation, Technology and Cognition laboratory (INTECOG), clinical researcher at CRIUGM, and Adjunct professor in the Department of Psychology within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the University of Montreal, has received a major grant as Principal Investigator from the Office des personnes handicapées du Québec. This grant will support initiatives to enhance community inclusion for people with disabilities who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual and people with other sexual orientations and forms of gender expression (LGBTQIA+).

Dr. Moreno, in collaboration with Dr. Alan Martino (Professor, University of Calgary), Dr. Ashleigh Yule (Psychologist, University of Calgary) and Dr. AndreAs Neumann-Mascis (Psychologist, United States), received $130,000 in funding for the project entitled «  “Nothing about us, without us!” : obstacles to the social participation of people with disabilities that identify as LGBTQIA+ ». The project aims to propose solutions to the many social participation challenges faced by people with disabilities that identify as LGBTQIA+ in the province of Quebec.

The research team will first conduct a review of scientific studies on the social participation of people with disabilities that identify as LGBTQIA+ and will conduct interviews to gather personal experiences. This process will help document the various obstacles encountered as well as identify existing or needed facilitators to promote the social inclusion of people with disabilities that identify as LGBTQIA+ in different aspects of their lives. This analysis will provide insights terms of their access to education, work, health and social services, as well as government and community services.

Through this project, the research team intends to offer actionable recommendations to the Quebec government with the potential for concrete impacts in the lives of LGBTQIA+ people with disabilities. The team will be supported by a significant number of Quebec organizations offering services to people from sexual and gender diversity, organizations working with people with disabilities, as well as key players in the clinical and government sector*.

Previously, Dr. Alexander Moreno has published recommendations to improve services for LGBTQIA+ people with neurodisabilities, including individuals in the autism spectrum or having received a diagnosis of epilepsy. Additionally, he was part of a team of experts who recently published the world’s first clinical guidelines for sexuality in the context of traumatic brain injury.

Principal Investigator

Dr. Alexander Moreno, PhD (he/him). Neuropsychologist / Psychologist, Notre-Dame Hospital (CCSMTL). Adjunct Professor, Researcher and Director of the Innovation, Technology and Cognition laboratory (INTECOG) at CRIUGM. Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, University of Montreal.


Dr. Alan Martino, PhD (he/him). Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies, Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary, Canada.

Dr. Ashleigh Yule, PhD (she/her), psychologist in private practice at Ashleigh Yule Child Psychology Inc. in the field of psychotherapy with LGBTQIA+ people, including gender creativity and the health of young transgender people. Calgary, Canada.

Dr. AndreAs Neumann-Mascis, Ph.D. (he/him), psychologist in private practice at The Meeting Point who identifies as a queer person with a disability. He has worked with queer, trans and disabled individuals in two communities in Boston and San Francisco for over 25 years. Boston, United States.


The clinical research support team of the Innovation, Technology and Cognition Laboratory (INTECOG): Pénélope Pelletier (she/her), Célia Rigoulat (she/her), Eugénie Côté (she/her), Adriana Nora Dieumen Bandjeu (she/her) and Mégan Dubois (she/her).

*Partner organizations
  1. Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse
  2. Aide aux Trans du Québec  
  3. Centre communautaire LGBTQ+ de Montréal
  4. Centre de solidarité lesbienne
  5. Clinique Mauve
  6. Confédération des organismes de personnes handicapée du Québec
  7. Conseil québécois LGBT
  8. Divers-Gens
  9. Fédération québécoise de l’autisme
  10. Fédération du Québec pour le planning des naissances – FQPN volet coordination Sexualités, accessibilité et handicaps au Québec – ACSEXE+
  11. Jeunes identités créatives
  12. Réseau communautaire en santé mentale
  13. Réseau de la Santé Sexuelle des Sourds du Québec (RSSSQ)
  14. Société québécoise de la déficience intellectuelle
  15. Centre communautaire Radisson
  16. Fugues
  17. Action Femmes et Handicap (AFH)
  18. RÉZO
  19. Fondation Émergence
  20. Coalition des groupes jeunesse LGBTQ+
  21. Centre de recherche de l’Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal (CRIUGM)
  22. Service régional diversité et inclusion CCSMTL
  23. Autisme Montréal
  24. Maison Plein Cœur