How has sexual and gender diversity evolved in neuroscience research these past years? What is the impact of this development on LGBTQIA+ communities? This is what Dr. Jhon Alexander Moreno, director of the Innovation, Technology and Cognition laboratory (INTECOG),...
A study by Dr. Sylvie Belleville, Laboratory Director at CRIUGM, shows that a series of cognitive training sessions has helped Quebec seniors cope with memory loss - even five years later.
Dr Alexander Moreno, neuropsychologist/psychologist, Clinical Researcher at CRIUGM and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences – University of Montreal is the guest editor for a Special Issue « Pride in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience: 2024 »...
On May 17, 2024, the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia, with the theme “No one left behind: Equality, Freedom, and Justice for All”, an international research team has made the decision to speak out in order to...
Dr. Alexander Moreno, research clinician associated with CRIUGM, launches a research project to test the benefits of virtual reality on anxiety and pain in palliative care.
On the occasion of International Women’s Rights Day, two of our researchers talk about the importance of women in research. It’s well known that women are under-represented in research. That said, it’s not just a question of the proportion...
We invite you to discover our beautiful initiative in the Côte-des-Neiges neighbourhood (Montreal), a living laboratory project focused on the co-construction of services and programs to make the neighbourhood more inclusive of its seniors. Led by the CRIUGM –...
Conférence Prestige (as part of the 40th) Overview of the Neuro (Montreal Neurological Hospital Institute) Conférence Midi du CRIUGM The role of rhythm in language pathology
We are pleased to announce that Dr. AmanPreet Badhwar has been selected as the recipient of the 2022 Diversity and Inclusion Champion Award from the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM). ” It was a great honor to receive...