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Researcher's profile

Rousseau Jacqueline


Thème primaireAging TrajectoriesThèmes secondairesInterventions and sustainable healthSocial innovation

Contact information

Centre de recherche, IUGM 4545 chemin Queen-Mary Montréal, Québec Canada H3W 1W5 Bureau : M5834
514-343-6111 #1070


Following her doctoral degree from l’Université de Montréal (Programme des sciences biomédicales-option réadaptation), Doctor Rousseau began her academic and research career at l’Université Laval. Since 2001, she is a professor at the School of Rehabilitation of l’Université de Montréal and a researcher at the Research Center of IUGM.

Research interests

Her reasearch interests are the following: 1) Measurement (Development of assessment tools for people with permanent disabilities: motor, cognitive, visual and mental health), 2) the domain of Person-Environment interaction (especially home care and community integration), 3) Universal Design and Personalized accessibility and 4) Technology at home.