Thème primaireInterventions and sustainable healthThèmes secondairesAging Trajectories
Contact information
Faculté des sciences infirmières
Université de montréal
2375, chemin de la côte Ste-Catherine
Montréal, Québec
Canada H3T 1A8
Bureau : 2068-3
(514) 343-6436
Francine Ducharme, PhD (nursing), completed a post-doctorate training at the psychosocial research unit of the Douglas Hospital’s research centre, a collaborative centre of the World Health Organization. She is a full professor at the Faculty of Nursing of the Université de Montréal and a senior research fellow funded by the Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec. Since 2000, she is Chair of the Desjardins Research Chair in Nursing Care for Seniors and their Families.
Research interests
Francine Ducharme conducts a program of research on family caregivers of the elderly. Her research interests include health determinants of various subgroups of caregivers, being at home or in long term care institutions, as well as evaluation of psychoeducative and health promoting interventions for caregivers.