Ansaldo Ana Inés Ph.D. Thème primaireNeuroscience of agingThèmes secondairesInterventions and sustainable healthSocial innovation
Badhwar Amanpreet Ph.D. Assistant Professor at the Department of Pharmacology and Physiology, Faculty of Medicine (UdeM) Thème primaireNeuroscience of agingThèmes secondairesDigital healthAging Trajectories
Bellec Pierre Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Université de Montréal Thème primaireDigital healthThèmes secondairesNeuroscience of aging
Belleville Sylvie Ph.D Thème primaireNeuroscience of agingThèmes secondairesInterventions and sustainable healthDigital health
Bénali Habib Ph.D. Thème primaireDigital healthThèmes secondairesAging TrajectoriesNeuroscience of aging
Berryman Nicolas Ph.D. Thème primaireInterventions and sustainable healthThèmes secondairesNeuroscience of aging
Boller Benjamin Ph.D. Thème primaireInterventions and sustainable healthThèmes secondairesNeuroscience of agingAging Trajectories
Bruneau Marie-Andrée MD, MSc, FRCPC Thème primaireAging TrajectoriesThèmes secondairesNeuroscience of agingSocial innovation
Champoux François Ph.D. Thème primaireNeuroscience of agingThèmes secondairesInterventions and sustainable health
Chesneau Sophie Ph.D. Thème primaireInterventions and sustainable healthThèmes secondairesNeuroscience of aging
Dang-Vu Thien-Thanh M.D.-Ph.D. Thème primaireNeuroscience of agingThèmes secondairesInterventions and sustainable health
Duval Christian Ph.D. Thème primaireNeuroscience of agingThèmes secondairesAging TrajectoriesInterventions and sustainable health
Girouard Hélène Ph.D. Thème primaireAging TrajectoriesThèmes secondairesNeuroscience of agingInterventions and sustainable health
Grenier Sébastien Ph.D. Thème primaireInterventions and sustainable healthThèmes secondairesNeuroscience of aging
Jarema Gonia Ph.D. Thème primaireNeuroscience of agingThèmes secondairesInterventions and sustainable health
Joanette Yves Ph.D. Thème primaireNeuroscience of agingThèmes secondairesDigital healthInterventions and sustainable health
Messier Julie Ph.D. Thème primaireNeuroscience of agingThèmes secondairesInterventions and sustainable health
Monchi Oury Ph.D. Scientific Director of CRIUGM Thème primaireNeuroscience of agingThèmes secondairesInterventions and sustainable health
Neva Jason Ph.D. Thème primaireNeuroscience of agingThèmes secondairesInterventions and sustainable health
Pageaux Benjamin Ph.D. Thème primaireNeuroscience of agingThèmes secondairesInterventions and sustainable health
Pichet Binette Alexa PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Physiology, Faculty of Medicine (UdeM) Thème primaireNeuroscience of aging
Rainville Pierre Ph.D. Thème primaireNeuroscience of agingThèmes secondairesInterventions and sustainable health
Roy Mathieu Ph.D. Thème primaireNeuroscience of agingThèmes secondairesInterventions and sustainable health
Tannou Thomas MD, PhD Thème primaireAging TrajectoriesThèmes secondairesNeuroscience of agingSocial innovation
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